Izindaba Zezimboni
Yini ukucatshangelwa kwemibala ye-PCB Board
www.ankecircut.com www.anke-pcb.com Mail: info@anke-pcb.com Whatapp/wechat:008618589033832 Skype: sannyduanbsp What are the considerations for PCB board colors When it comes to the color of PCB boards, the most obvious thing to notice when receiving a PCB board is...Funda kabanzi -
Amaphuzu asemqoka wokuthenga kwe-PCB
Iningi labathengi befektri ye-elekthronikhi badidekile ngentengo yama-PCB. Ngisho nabanye abantu abaneminyaka eminingi yesipiliyoni ekuthengweni kwempahla ye-PCB kungenzeka bangaqondi ngokuphelele isizathu sokuqala. Eqinisweni, intengo ye-PCB I ...Funda kabanzi